Guess who’s back?

16 Oct

im_back4 Apps – 2 Campus Visits – 1 Product Launch – 1 Job Offer/Promotion later, I am back. I am hoping that this gives everyone a bit of a flavor of what has kept me occupied in the last few months. I actually had to take a crash course in prioritizing and start axing things that I honestly couldn’t do full justice to. Sadly, “updating my blog” came right after “going to the gym”, which is always the first item on my “Not to do” list :D.

So which school made my list this time around, you ask?

  • Fuqua – Early Action
  • Kenan Flagler – Early Action
  • Ross – Round 1
  • Tepper – Round 1
  • McCombs – Round 1  Had to cut this off my Round 1 list eventually.

Both, Ross and Kenan Flagler are schools that I have reapplied to. This time around, I took a trip down to Ann Arbor as one of the prospective MBA women applicant invited to attend the Women in Leadership Conference. To anyone lurking around the blog and looking to apply in 2014/2015, I would say – Please sign up to attend these if you can! As an applicant last year, I had no idea when these conferences happened and whenever I’d read of those it would be always a bit too late (plus I had my GMAT drama going on for the better part of the year!). But, I applied to Ross’ event this time around and I can say that it was the best 2-days I have had in the MBA journey so far. Most business schools that host these events invite prospective candidates to apply by submitting a resume and a small essay asking why you are interested. Once selected, the schools then begin their wooing process :). Ross put about 25-30 girls coming in from all parts of US/Canada at the Sheraton and wined and dined us for over two days. You get the chance to not only experience a very high quality conference but also forge relationships with current students, admissions team members, and other prospective students, who could be joining you at a different school too!

Both with Ross and Fuqua, I ended up going to the campus just about 3 days before the submission deadline. Now, its not like I didn’t have my essays all prepared then (after all that’s a perk of reapplying and doing the whole MBA she-bang for over a year!). But after each visit, I had so much more to say that was specific to my day spent at the campus, that I ended up scrapping almost half of my old essays in favor of including new material. This was particularly true of the cover letter that Ross needs and for the Why Fuqua essay. However, here I am today, finally done with all my apps. After my gentle reminder today, hopefully my recommenders will submit their Kenan Flagler links by 17th October and we’ll be all done.

But, I wish life was that simple and waiting for interview, invites and decisions was all I had to worry about! Through these last few weeks, I got the opportunity to lead a go-to-market effort for a new product at my company. This was the first project to create a new product after my company acquired another company earlier this year. Now, we have been on an acquisition spree for a few years now but sadly, most integration projects haven’t been successful. So, this product launch was, to put it mildly, a big deal for the CEO. Thankfully, not only I got the launch done, but actually ended up exceeding goal by 120% bringing in some marquee clients in the process. Great stuff for essay fodder, is what you are all thinking right?? 😀 I milked this for sure!

But, here is the kicker. Now, my company wants to promote me to be an Associate Director and relocate to SFO to manage a bigger team there. This stretch opportunity comes with a leadership tag, increased pay, and other perks but, one caveat – I need to give my answer by November 1st week and commit to not leaving for at least one year. 😐 Not a written agreement that is binding but a good faith commitment given to my boss, who is my recommender and has been instrumental in helping me get many opportunities. So I can’t even think of burning bridges.

I have no idea what to do as of today. Since I got this offer, one day I am looking for apartments in SFO and the other day in Raleigh/Durham/Ann Arbor! What would you pick?


Posted by on October 16, 2014 in Future, Life, MBA, Musings, Recap


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7 responses to “Guess who’s back?

  1. pullingthatmbatrigger

    October 16, 2014 at 5:58 am

    Well, that is a great problem to have I think! But yeah, super tricky decision to make especially considering that both options you have are great. I know that the deadline for Fuqua EA is on the 29th of October, so you’ll know the result of at least one school before you have to make that big choice. Personally, I think your job opportunity sounds amazing and if dinged by Fuqua I would definitely accept it and re-apply to higher ranked schools next year. But obviously, I don’t know what you have in mind or what your priorities are, so this is just what I would do 🙂

    Best of luck making a decision either way!

    • Ellie

      October 16, 2014 at 11:40 pm

      Hey PTMT,

      Thanks! I have been reading your blog during my hiatus and it has been great fun. I wouldn’t believe you were 22 years old, if you didn’t put that in writing up there :).

      In my case, I turn 30 next year! And in on-and-off on the full time MBA wagon for about 10 years. If I go to SFO, I shall resign to doing a Weekend or PT MBA sponsored by my company. But, yes Fuqua is my best bet at this time. *Fingers crossed*

      Glad to see your Fuqua interview was great! They start their deliberations next week 🙂 Good luck!

      • pullingthatmbatrigger

        October 17, 2014 at 6:24 am

        Hi Ellie,

        I wouldn’t have guessed you were nearly 30 by reading your blog either! 😀 You sound like a very fun person. I hope you get into Fuqua this year, and then hey, all your problems will be solved! And of course, it would be awesome to meet you if I got in as well 😛

        Thank you and best of luck to you too! Hope you figure this out 🙂

  2. sarahrs81

    October 16, 2014 at 9:47 pm

    Well done on the promotion. Might be worthwhile to have an open conversation with your boss and your boss’s boss. They might be able to come up with a solution, that still provides the promotion, but a bit more flexibility on timing.

    • Ellie

      October 16, 2014 at 11:34 pm

      Hey Sarah!! Thanks, glad to see you back on the full time MBA track too.

      They are open to the promotion (sorta) but the relocation is time bound, since they can’t leave the leadership role open for too long. Our team is right now manager-less in SFO since end of Sept, so they need to move forward with hiring someone ASAP 😦

      And from their end, they have offered to support me for a company sponsored part time/Exec program in a year or two..which isn’t a bad route at all if I were to get dinged by bschools this year.

      • sarahrs81

        October 17, 2014 at 8:21 am

        That’s a good outcome.

  3. Andres

    October 23, 2014 at 5:07 pm

    You’ve been featured on today’s Weekly Pulse!


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